Elite + AOA System

Elite + AOA System Logic Module
The RiteAngle Elite + is a completely redesigned system, which is a direct “predecessor” of the FAA approved system the RiteAngle INTEGRITY.
The differences are in the electronic changes which were required to meet the requirements of the ASTM and the FAA Memo. For the operator these differences are “seamless” and the Pilot cannot tell any difference between the certified version and the Experimental Amateur Built, (E.A.B.) or Homebuilt version of the system. The pilot will, however, notice the much easier and non- confusing set-up procedures from our earlier RiteAngle 3, 3a. Companion and Companion II series.
The RiteAngle Elite+ system’s printed circuit board and components are automatically assembled in Vancouver, Washington by an electrical design and manufacturing firm. I personally test every system we ship to insure your system operates as ordered.
With the RiteAngle Elite+ system you have the advantage of having a system which was designed to the FAA guidelines for use on certified aircraft, without all the expense additional electronic testing, specific parts , and of course not having to pay for the time, effort, and work involved in getting the FAA approval which involved specific work over a 4 year period. Join the hundreds of other RiteAngle AOA system users who have a product we have produced.
For detailed information on this product, call or email.