Beyond rugged WiFi hardware, SinglePoint offers WiFi analytics software, GPS tracking software, back-end management solutions and more.

arrow-icon SingleREV


Our exclusive SingleREV software is a revolutionary business model that helps put advertisements in front of passengers. Charter companies and transit agencies can work with us to initiate revenue sharing programs with the company or agency, often times offsetting the cost of adding high-speed WiFi.

arrow-icon SingleTRAK

SingleTRAK provides real-time bus and train location details via the passengers’ web browser or handheld device. Information can also be made available at the station or depot.

SingleTRAK simplifies the mass transit experience by allowing passengers to view real-time information about bus and train routes from a web browser or mobile device. Our software tracks the movement of each transit vehicle and maps the results, so passengers can easily determine when the next bus or train will arrive. Try out our SingleTRAK demo on the right – just click on a route to bring up a real-time map.

arrow-icon MoovManage


MoovManage is a hosted management service that allows you to remotely monitor and configure a network of Moovbox devices, control user access to WiFi services, and receive real-time reporting on device status, performance, usage and location. The service runs on fully-redundant servers within the Icomera data center — you simply pay a low-cost monthly fee for the service and access it securely via a web browser. To learn more about our innovative software solutions, talk to us today.

Download our brochure to learn more about MoovManage.

arrow-icon SinglePASS


Reduce operating costs and enhance the passenger experience with SinglePASS, our integrated mobile ticketing solution. SinglePASS allows riders to pay for fare via their mobile devices, using multiple PCI-compliant options – including credit and debit cards, Google Wallet or PayPal. Our mobile ticketing system also simplifies fare management for transit operators, with the capability for real-time price adjustments, instant promotions, service alerts, zone and time stamps, loyalty programs, system use tracking and more. Learn more.